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At least in many parts of the country, plastic waste has become very commonplace throughout our streets, parks, and compounds, and it is simple for people to accept it as just part of daily life. People can be seen throwing plastic rubbish into rivers, fields, and other areas. And since it is such an eyesore, it is not intended to be the norm. Plastic has no place in our rivers, lakes, or farmlands. It should also not be seen laying around on our streets. Plastic does not in any way enhance the beauty or luster of the environment; rather, it just causes annoyance. It is also not biodegradable. The problem is that since plastics are a significant part of the nation’s product packaging, we can’t simply boycott their use. So, the crucial query is: How can we recycle and reuse plastics?

Here are several methods for recycling and reusing plastics that won’t hurt us or the environment.

Utilize your leftover plastic coffee creamer containers to store snacks.

You may preserve your biscuits or snacks at home using the same plastic that was once used to package your coffee or other beverages. It’s even better because it will keep the snacks from becoming dampened by the air.

Make a planter out of plastic bottles.

You may cultivate plants around your house in plastic bottles. They will therefore act as plant holders. To accomplish this, cut open plastic containers, fill them with manure, and then plant seeds or plant roots inside of them. You may then position these containers in strategic locations throughout your home.

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